DePaul Flag

Office of Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs
DePaul Flag

Enhancing educational quality and providing strategic support

Under the leadership of the Provost, the Office of Academic Affairs provides strategic direction, striving to improve academic quality, teaching excellence, scholarly research, service and diversity.

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Mark your calendar with quarterly begin and end dates, important deadlines, exam schedules, and more.

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Apply for graduation and view news, announcements, and resources regarding DePaul’s commencement proceedings.

119th Commencement ▸

Faculty Resources

Faculty at DePaul contribute to the university’s mission through their teaching, research and service activities. Their efforts are supported in a wide variety of ways.

Leadership Resources

The development of its deans, chairs, and other administrators is an essential part of Academic Affairs as it strives to achieve the university’s goals.


The governance of DePaul University originates with the Board of Trustees and is shared with various constituents of the university, including the administration, faculty and staff.

Academic Administration

The Academic  Administration unit facilitates appropriate actions and resolutions related to operational, space, and academic personnel matters.