DePaul University Research Services > Award Management > Personnel & Compensation > Assigning Grant Staff

Assigning Grant Staff

​DePaul staff or faculty, whose salary will completely be covered by a new grant account, must have their current positions associated and paid for with the new grant account. A common procedure is to assign only a percentage of a salary to a grant account to reflect only a partial time commitment to the grant activities. This commonly occurs when a faculty member is given a course release or other salary buyout that is covered by an external source. The “principal” internal account ​assigned to the position remains unchanged.

​The Principal Investigator must work with their College Budget Manager/HCM Manager to complete the necessary steps to assign a faculty or staff to a grant. The College Budget Manager will submit the request through BlueSky and it will proceed through an electronic approval process.

    * Note that ALL active personnel assigned to the identified position will see their salary moved to the grant account. Particularly with part time positions that may have multiple staff assigned to it, ensure that you intend all staff assigned to a position to move on to a grant account. To review and monitor the individuals who are paid through a particular grant, the PI should run the Payroll Costing Report.
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