Incoming Board of Trustee Members are asked to review the following material prior to meeting with the VP and AVPs of Mission and Ministry to provide them with a basic understanding of a Vincentian approach to Higher Education, Mission, and the Best Practices of Catholic higher education.
- A New Century Dawns: Hopes for the Vincentian Family (Robert P. Maloney, C.M) - Soft cover book provided by Vice President to Trustees at onboarding meeting.
- “The Vincentian Tradition” by Dennis Holtschneider, C.M. – a chapter of a book that presents a brief overview of the life of Vincent de Paul, Vincentian Spirituality, Mission, and an explanation of who “the poor” are
- The Vincentian Higher Education Apostolate in the United States by Dennis Holtschneider, C.M. and Ed Udovic, C.M.– a history of Vincentian Higher Education
- Catholic Identity and Mission Assessment (CIMA): A Best Practices Guide - assists with understanding assessment domains unique to Catholic education. It is divided into 10 domains commonly expressed in the mission statements of Catholic colleges and universities.
- Systemic Change and the Vincentian Family, Patricia de Nava - text of a presentation that gives an understanding of what the International Vincentian Family is and provides a perspective on the Vincentian Family Systemic Change approach to living out the mission.
- Video “Vincent de Paul: Charity’s Saint” (1 hour 4 minutes) – Documentary on St. Vincent and how his guidance continues to shape movements for justice and systemic change in our world today.
Brief look into student and faculty/staff engagement
Additional Optional Resources