Global Engagement > Global DePaul > Global Conversations > Former Global Conversations

Former Global Conversations

DePaul University, in collaboration with over 60 partner institutions have hosted the following Global Conversations. Thus far, over 3,600 students have interacted with one another and over 230 faculty members and industry experts in 125​​​ dynamic and dialogic discussions on global issues.

Round 8: May 2024 Sessions 

    April May 2022 Student Country representation pie chart
    Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.
  • Addressing Technological and Other Challenges Students Face in Higher Education
  • The entrepreneurial context, an institutional perspective
  • Back to nature! A new paradigm for a global society
  • Exploring Artificial Intelligence and the impact on the tourist experience.  
  • Effects of Disruptive Technology on Global Trade
  • Gender power imbalances as determinants of health
  • All things start at the beginning… Disparities in maternal health and reproductive choices across the world: Why do they still persist?
  • Sustainable City Strategies for Smart City or Strategic Digital City Projects: how can citizens participate to improve quality of life?
  • How can we address climate change as global citizens?
  • A World Without Nuclear Weapons: Bringing the Conversation Home
  • The power of digital influencers that goes beyond borders and continents
  • Behaviour change for an improved environment and health
  • Is democracy truly democratic?
  • Fostering Social Justice through Language Education: Empowering Student Engagement and Activism
  • Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Cities

Round 7: April/May 2023 Sessions 
  • 5,6,7... Can everyone see me? Teaching dance during the pandemic

  • Cultural diversity or one global culture: A debate across cultures

  • Developing environmental awareness through literature

  • Exploring the role of Artificial Intelligence in education: Opportunities and challenges

  • Food, Culture, Identity    

    Participant Country of Residence 6.29.2023
    Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.

  • Healthcare through another’s eyes

  • Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief: The Role of Communication and Logistics

  • Humor in performances about the Holocaust and atrocity

  • Inclusion strategies in the world of work for the elderly

  • Reimagining nutrition and agricultural practices and policies to address global hunger

  • Solving biodiversity loss with AI-based marketing

  • The post pandemic consumers: Have they changed?

  • Tourism and climate change: How does culture effect tourist decision making?

  • Transnational mobilities: Challenges and opportunities

Round 6: October 2022 Sessions
  • Accessibility and Inclusion In Tourism Experiences: Dignity, Profitability, Or Both?
  • Brand Activism: The Role Of Companies And Their Brands In Society Going Beyond Products and Services 

Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.
  • Challenges and Opportunities in the Education and Care of Older Adults for the 21St Century
  • Challenges and Resilience in Children's Development During The Pandemic
  • Creating Safe Spaces for All
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Understanding it's Significance in Contemporary Times
  • Fragile States and The International Responsibility to Intervene
  • Global Citizenship for a Sustainable Future: Engaging with the UN SDGs
  • Information Warfare
  • Innovation and Sustainable Tourism: Reflecting on the Social, Economic, Managerial, and Environmental Challenges Influencing Post-Pandemic Travel and Tourism
  • Is Learning Bitter or Sweet? Exploring the Connection Between Emotion and Cognition
  • Popular Religious Traditions and Chinese Pop Culture
  • Public Services in Smart City or Strategic Digital City Projects: How Can Citizens Participate to Improve Quality Of Life?
  • Short Stories as Vehicles for Intercultural Understanding and Communication
  • The Role of Technology in Education: Benefits and Potential Risks
  • Unifying Global Healthcare Leadership: Innovation and Ethical Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals

Round 5: April/May 2022 Sessions

  • Citizenship and Professionalism in High and Low Context Cultures 
  • Cultural awareness in global health: Do we need it?
  • Digital Media and Community Development 

    April May 2022 Student Country representation pie chart
    Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.

  • Food and Climate Change: Is our food sustainable?

  • Interface between entrepreneurs and customers for sustainable offerings

  • Marketing, ethics, and inclusion: A pending assignment

  • Media Consumption in a Pandemic World

  • Navigate Successful and Appropriate Communication within the Online Intercultural Setting

  • Remember This - Facing the Holocaust and Present Day Implications Through Jan Karski

  • Sharing Stories of Heritage to Develop Intercultural Competencies

  • Students Across the World

  • System change: Discussing the role of intercultural management education for fostering responsible leadership initiatives.

  • The Jobs of Tomorrow in a post-COVID world: What skills you need to develop to succeed

  • The Russian Threat to Ukraine

  • Understanding the Motivations for Rejecting Science-Based Interventions Such as Climate Change and COVID-19 Vaccine Programs

Round 4: October 2021 Sessions 

  • Assessing Current and Future Impacts of Climate Change on Health and Well-Being in the United States and Nigeria

  • “Border” politics and immigration/ Política "fronteriza" e inmigración

  • Chinese Pop Culture and the World

  • Develop Intercultural and Intrareligious Understanding through Story Circles

  • Did Technology Kill Diplomacy and change International Relations forever?

  • Do Black, Indigenous and Dalit Lives Matter? Re-examining the Intersections of Social Identity and Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic 

  • Effects of COVID-19 on overall socio-educational outcomes 

    Number of Students representing each Country
    Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.

  • Humanity in Crisis: a pandemic of extremist governments, refugees, immigrants, and the steep increase in inequality between men and women

  • Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health

  • Nationalism's Upsurge in the World Today - Centering Poland in Light of the Holocaust, Democratic Values, and Collective Memory  

  • Promoting Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Top PR Campaigns of 2020-21

  • Short- and Long-term Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospitality and Tourism Industry Careers and Education

  • Surviving a Pandemic and Thriving into a New Normal using Innovation and Analytics: Lessons Learned from Covid-19

  • The Future of Work: Creating Effective, Ethical and Sustainable Workplaces in Times of Change 

  • The Political Economy of Global Public Health

  • The Sustainable Development Goals and the path to recovery: Corporate, political, and personal responsibility in a hotter future 

  • Toward Sharing a Global Praxis of Learning and Teaching: Utopia and Possibilities

  • Urban Design for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Round 3: April 2021 Sessions

  • Adaptability and Innovation during COVID 
  • Adaptations & Obstacles: Human Responses to the Pandemic
  • Change, Adaptation, Opportunity: Charting Our Future
  • Digital Media for Community Development

pie chart
Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.

  • Discussing the issues of inclusiveness, safety and resilience for supporting sustainable cities and communities
  • Diversity Toolkit: Unpacking Intersectional Identities
  • Elections in Australia & the US: Constitutional and Cultural Comparisons
  • Global Education and Engagement in a Mediatized World
  • Globally-informed and locally-contextualized teacher training
  • How can the world respond to climate change refugees?
  • Internationalization During and After the Time of the Pandemic
  • Post-pandemic Societal Changes and Consumption Trends in Greater China
  • Protests & Public Health
  • The Global Impacts of COVID-19 on Corporate Social Responsibility Programs
  • The Language of the Post-COVID World
  • The new normal in the built environment
  • To Serve or Not to Serve: Ethical Choices in the Workplace and Beyond
  • US foreign policy after the election of Biden as President of the United States: US relations with the European Union and NATO, and with Russia and China

Round 2: September-October 2020 Sessions
  • 2021: 70th Anniversary of the Refugee Convention: Beacon of Broken Hope?

  • China and the U.S. in the Age of COVID-19: Image and Reality

  • Communicating In The Midst of COVID-19

    pie chart
    Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.
  • Cross-cultural perspectives on social life during a pandemic: Psychological coping and relationships

  • Exposing who are excluded citizens in the midst of COVID-19. The case of homeless in Buenos Aires and domestic workers in Chicago.

  • Global Business & Entrepreneurship in the New Distance Economy

  • In the Times of Corona: Contextualizing Preferred Teaching and Learning Strategies.

  • Integrating school, work and life during a pandemic

  • Mental Health Challenges for College Students During the time of COVID-19

  • Strategies for integrating health, home, school and work life during the pandemic

  • The Call for Healing: Teaching and Learning during a Global Pandemic

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Entrepreneurial Endeavors: A Global Perspective

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Health and Development in Africa and the Diaspora

  • Visions of "Democracy" under Stress

Round 1: May 2020 Sessions

  • Communicating During Corona: How to Express Yourself in the Midst of Pandemic 

    pie chart
    Student participation is represented by the countries noted above.
  • COVID19 Impact Conversations: Comparative Public Health Responses

  • From Social Distancing to Social Presence: Steps towards sustainable online learning and teaching across the curriculum

  • Impact of COVID-19 on Education

  • Interpreting Data/ Modeling

  • Political and Economic Impact of a Pandemic: The Implications for Geopolitics and World Politics

  • Psychological Strategies for Coping with a Pandemic for Individuals and Families

  • Public Health: The Ethics of Quarantine and Triage in the Midst of a Pandemic

  • The Effect of a Global Pandemic on Business and Politics: An International Perspective

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees: A Question of Human Rights

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Teaching and Learning – Transforming Educational Practice