Institutional Research

IRMA Engages Students Through Student Pulse Initiative

IRMA Engages Students Through Student Pulse Initiative

​Survey research on student perceptions of their experience at DePaul is an important part of the work done in EMM’s Institutional Research... read more

 Report Examines How Innovative New Programs Impact DePaul’s Enrollment Portfolio

Report Examines How Innovative New Programs Impact DePaul’s Enrollment Portfolio

DePaul’s reputation as an innovative institution is demonstrated by its ability to create academic programs that respond to a rapidly changing marketplace. How do these programs impact enrollment at DePaul? A recently released report from EMM’s Institutional Research and Market Analytics (IRMA) offers some insight.​

Fall 2015 Enrollment Generates Record Tuition Revenue

Fall 2015 Enrollment Generates Record Tuition Revenue

​​​​​Fall enrollment sets the stage for DePaul’s annual fiscal performance. By surpassing enrollment targets and generating a university record in tuition revenue this fall, DePaul is in a strong position for the 2015-16 academic year.​

DePaul Ranks Positively On College Scorecard

DePaul Ranks Positively On College Scorecard

The U.S. Department of Education recently released its College Scorecard website, an interactive online resource designed to make federal data more accessible for students and families to compare the affordability and quality of colleges and universities across the nation. So how does DePaul measure up on the scorecard?

Positive Early Indicators for Fall 2015 Freshman Enrollment

Positive Early Indicators for Fall 2015 Freshman Enrollment

With the start of fall quarter still a few months away, it’s too early to know precisely how enrollment will look in September. Early indications, however, provide optimism for a strong freshman class at DePaul.

Spring Quarter 2015 Enrollment Tops Budgeted Goal

Spring Quarter 2015 Enrollment Tops Budgeted Goal

DePaul’s spring enrollment of 21,224 students exceeded the budgeted target by 3 percent while generating $183.6 million in gross tuition revenue, a university record for spring quarter.

Retention and Graduation Outcomes for New Transfers

Retention and Graduation Outcomes for New Transfers

DePaul’s new transfer students have consistently strong retention and graduation outcomes, and the recently released outcomes data confirm this.

Report Reveals Trends Among Competitors for Non-Enrolling Admits

Report Reveals Trends Among Competitors for Non-Enrolling Admits

EMM’s Institutional Research and Market Analytics (IRMA), using data from the National Student Clearinghouse, recently released a comprehensive report to answer those questions about students who apply to but do not enroll at DePaul.

Winter 2015 Enrollment Exceeds Projections

Winter 2015 Enrollment Exceeds Projections

DePaul’s winter enrollment of 22,783 students surpasses the university’s budget target, generating a winter-quarter record $208.7 million in tuition revenue.

DePaul’s Retention and Graduation Rates Highest Ever

DePaul’s Retention and Graduation Rates Highest Ever

Rates for first-year retention, four-year graduation and six-year graduation at DePaul have been consistently strong in recent years, but new data reported by EMM’s Institutional Research and Market Analytics demonstrate they reached new heights in 2014: all rates are the highest in DePaul’s history.

The Equation for Academic Success at DePaul? First-Year Performance ≥ 2.5 GPA + 48 Credit Hours

The Equation for Academic Success at DePaul? First-Year Performance ≥ 2.5 GPA + 48 Credit Hours

DePaul’s in-depth longitudinal research of student retention and graduation trends has revealed—and continues to confirm—how critical first-year academic performance is to a student staying at DePaul and graduating on time.

Student Achievement Measure Broadens Measurement of Outcomes

Student Achievement Measure Broadens Measurement of Outcomes

DePaul recently joined nearly 600 higher education institutions across the nation in a project known as the Student Achievement Measure, or SAM. SAM is an alternative to the federal graduation rate and is a more accurate representation of outcomes for students seeking associate and bachelor’s degrees.

Bold Advertising Spotlights Data Science at DePaul

Bold Advertising Spotlights Data Science at DePaul

An attention-grabbing new advertising campaign has staked DePaul’s claim as the premier Chicago area education provider in the field of data science.

Transfer Student Success Strategies Highlighted at Faculty Meeting

Transfer Student Success Strategies Highlighted at Faculty Meeting

A first-ever cross-disciplinary meeting of community college and DePaul faculty was convened in September on the Lincoln Park Campus, bringing together 75 faculty members dedicated to supporting transfer students as they transition to DePaul.

Freshman and Transfer Data Illustrated in New Infographics

Freshman and Transfer Data Illustrated in New Infographics

Two EMM departments, Institutional Research and Market Analytics and University Marketing Communications, collaborated recently to produce a set of infographics displaying the characteristics of incoming freshman and transfer students.

Fall 2014 Enrollment Surpasses Target

Fall 2014 Enrollment Surpasses Target

DePaul exceeds expectations this fall by enrolling 23,799 students. Enrollment tops the budgeted target by 1.2 percent with tuition revenue $2.8 million above the goal and $4.5 million more than last year.