DePaul University Center for Teaching & Learning > Assessment > Annual Assessment Process > Assessment Planning and Methods > Assessment Plan

Assessment Plan

What is ​an Assessment Plan?

An assessment plan is an outline that includes all relevant portions of an assessment project, tying together each step of an assessment project in consideration of the context in which the assessment will occur.

Why Create an Assessment Plan?

There are a variety of reasons why it is a good idea to create an assessment plan in your program. A few examples are:

  1. Having a well-written assessment plan reduces the amount of time you will ultimately have to devote to conducting your assessment project, since it can clarify tasks and timelines.
  2. An assessment plan provides a framework to guide your assessment project, ensuring everyone is on the same page and is clear on their individual responsibilities and the overall timeline.
    • Allows for the consideration of all parts of an assessment project and critical analysis of how the different pieces fit together and can best be implemented to achieve the desired goals of assessment.
    • May help predict potential issues with the project, allowing for correction before implementation rather than responding reactively.
  3. An assessment plan provides a dynamic map for your assessment project, allowing for better flexibility as you implement your project and more reasoned responses to issues that may arise.
  4. An assessment plan is a good way to start conversations among relevant stakeholders (i.e. faculty, staff, students) about not only assessment, but also about teaching, learning, curriculum, etc. in your program.
  5. Clear assessment plans also provide dedicated time and space to consider the continuity of your overall assessment plan:
    • How does this year’s assessment project connect to previous assessment and the program’s plans for future assessment?
    • Is the program assessing all learning outcomes in an adequate time frame (5-7 years and/or within the HLC mega-cycle)?
    • How does assessment fit into other aspects of the program and programmatic priorities for the future?
    • Is your assessment program well-aligned with external expectations (for example, strategic planning initiatives or other institutional directions, professional standards, etc.)
  6. An assessment plan is an opportunity to ensure that you have “your ducks in a row.”
    • What resources will be required to carry out the assessment project?
    • Do you have the appropriate resources (ex. faculty time, financial resources, space, etc.) lined up to implement your assessment project?


If you would like a consultation on assessment planning, please get in touch with our office.

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