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Global Engagement Structures and Communication Update: Fall 2016

Global Engagement’s third strategic theme involves strengthening the coordination among existing global engagement structures and stakeholders to improve communication, foster ownership, streamline processes and facilitate inclusion in decision making. Global Engagement will provide updates on committee decisions and discussions, stakeholder involvement, and other initiatives in this area.

Here are the fall 2016 updates:

  • CIC updates from 2015-16: The committee includes faculty representatives from all 10 colleges’ international committees and is responsible for coordinating various aspects of the internationalization process. Last year, CIC discussed several Study Abroad operational issues, approved 9 new GLE proposals and approved a new Term Long Study Abroad program in Jordan, for Arabic Studies Students launching in fall 2016.
  • GTF updates from 2015-16: GTF serves as an advisory body to the Provost on any new proposals that involve financial, reputational or other risks to the university.
  • In efforts to streamline processes, CIC advised Study Abroad on a new online pre-departure training module for outbound study abroad students which is in process with a target launch of December 2016.