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International Student Recruitment and Study Abroad Participation

  • Student participation in our December, Winter Term, and Winter/Spring semester-long study abroad programs increased from 308 to 370, reflecting a 20% growth year-over-year.
  • DePaul faculty played a key role in delivering more opportunities for students to participate in short-term study abroad programs, leading 18 programs in December 2017 versus 14 programs in the prior year.  These faculty-led programs offered transformative global experiences to 300 students (23% more students than prior year), in destinations such as Argentina, Tanzania, Czech Republic, India, and Japan. 
  • Our most mobile students during this timeframe include students from LAS (25.3%), Communication (22.1%), Business (17.4%), CDM and CSH (both at 13.1%).  And Europe (38.1%) and Asia (23.2%) remained the most popular regional destinations for our students.
  • In Winter 2018, our international student enrollment includes 1365 F/J students and 649 INTL students (students educated outside of the US), totaling 2,014 students from 117 countries which represents 9.2% of university-wide enrollment.
  • The largest portion of our international students are enrolled in the College of Business (38.5%), Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media ​ (34.2%), followed by College of Science and Health (8.1%), and Liberal Arts and Social Science (6.6%). 
  • ​From a regional perspective, Asia continues to be the most represented region of citizenship (56.9%), followed by North America (20.5%), Middle East (7.8%), Europe (6.9%).