During the past ten years Study Abroad at DePaul has almost doubled both the number of short term faculty led programs (STFL) offered each year and the number of students participating in them.

This extraordinary success is due to the strategic investment of time and resources to support a form of study abroad that greatly engages faculty across the entire university and better meets the needs of our students. This significant growth now needs to be managed in a different way, given the constraints of the recent budget situation. Moving forward, each College and School will have a specified allotment of short term faculty programs for each term (December, Spring Break, Summer). The International/Study Abroad committees of the various academic units will work closely with Study Abroad to generate a multi-year plan that will allow for a rotation of programs and the possible creation of new programs to be inserted in the implementation cycle. At the same time, we will intentionally maximize enrollment in each program, obviously taking into consideration the specific pedagogical and logistical needs of each program. Global Engagement is very grateful to all the program directors, all the chairs and members of the various committees for their help in implementing this new approach. The goal is to continue to serve over 1200 students a year through the various programs.