Enrollment Management > Student Retention > DePaul’s Executive Retention Group

DePaul’s Executive Retention Group

Established in April 2008, the Executive Retention Group (referred to as XRG) leads the coordination of research, academic and programmatic initiatives to understand and improve rates of degree completion for DePaul's diverse student population.

With the executive sponsorship and leadership of the senior vice president for Enrollment Management, the vice president of Student Affairs and the associate vice president for Academic Affairs, this group is charged with the following six responsibilities:
  • Develop a strategic framework to guide all university retention research and retention programs; develop institutional awareness of the framework, current issues and trends, and institutional data regarding student retention.
  • Recommend specific retention goals and objectives grounded in this framework, defined in the context of comparable benchmarks and DePaul's enrollment planning, to guide strategic enrollment planning.
  • Integrate into this strategic framework all university activities and initiatives designed and/or intended to improve institutional retention and graduation rates as well as for particular populations of students.
  • Develop and recommend new strategies, programs, policies and initiatives designed to bring institutional retention and graduation rates to performance levels outlined in the strategic plan.
  • Review, recommend and prioritize for the provost all new retention strategies, initiatives and programs developed by the university community, particularly those proposed as part of the annual strategic planning and budget review process.
  • Develop and coordinate all university retention-related research, analysis and reporting; coordinate the evaluation of all retention strategies; oversee all strategic reporting of retention outcomes.