DePaul University Research Services > Award Management > Monitoring > Progress Reports

Progress Reports

Externally funded projects usually require that the recipient prepares regular updates on the status of program implementation. For multi-year projects, this normally occurs on an annual basis, although more frequent reports are sometimes required. Almost all grants require a final report at the expiration of the agreement.

Principal Investigators should review the sponsor's grant documentation to determine frequency and format of technical reports.

At the beginning of each month that a programmatic report is due, ORS sends a reminder to the Principal Investigator to prepare the report and provide a copy to ORS. If a copy is not received, ORS will send a monthly overdue notice until all submission issues have been resolved.

Oftentimes a programmatic report must be submitted with a financial statement of expenditures. In these instances, the Principal Investigator should contact the Restricted Accounts Division of the Office of the Controller so that Financial Personnel can prepare the appropriate statement.