Center for Teaching & Learning

​​​Center for Teaching and Learning


The Center for Teaching and Learning, as part of the Office of Academic Affairs, provides direct,  intentional engagement with faculty in our common goal of providing the best possible education for our students. To support effective teaching, learning, and research, the Center for Teaching and Learning encourages skills and practices that promote lifelong learning and critical reflection in students, staff, and faculty. By doing so, we seek to help the university fulfill its mission, as it “addresses the great questions of our day, promoting peaceful, just, and equitable solutions to social and environmental challenges.” 

The Center for Teaching and Learning upholds and builds upon DePaul’s Vincentian mission by centering the following values:

  • Advocacy for pedagogical best practices that center accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Community-centered learning in which students, faculty, and staff collaborate on cultivating new ideas and sharing experiences to understand challenges and find equitable solutions
  • Innovation around educational technology to facilitate effective instruction across course modalities
  • Reflection that explores current discourse around pedagogy and technology to hone practices and adapt to change


As the Center for Teaching and Learning has continued to grow our support and services across the University, we have always kept our core values and mission at the root of our work. Our values can be observed through the following services:

  • Faculty development through training programs, workshops, events with speakers engaged in current discourse, faculty learning communities, and mentorship opportunities.
  • Learning experience design consultation, course-design assistance, advanced media production services, and game-based learning applications​ to promote novel and innovative use of educational technology.
  • Support for the implementation of educational technologies through one-on-one assistance, webinars, and customized training for academic areas.
  • Support for shifting course modality needs to expand access for students.
  • Support for assessment of curriculum and student learning.
  • Supplemental instruction services that help students succeed in challenging courses.

One-on-One Support

Make an appointment with an instructional technology consultant for help with questions related to D2L, Panopto, Turn-It-In, or Zoom.

Make Appointment


The Center for Teaching and Learning is dedicated to making education accessible, inclusive, responsive, and effective. In a shared spirit of service, charity, justice, and systemic change, we collaborate with other people, departments, and resources at the university.