DePaul University Center for Teaching & Learning > Assessment > Annual Assessment Process

Annual Assessment Process

​DePaul Assessment Policy

University assessment policy stipulates that every academic degree program and co-curricular program will complete an assessment project annually. Project scope and reporting requirements correspond to the type of program being assessed (i.e., assessment-ready academic degree program, low-enrollment academic degree program, co-curricular program). Policies applicable to each program type are explained in detail below.

An assessment-ready academic degree program is one that is:

a) in at least its second year of operation;
b) enrolls at least 10 majors in a given year;
c) is not currently in its first year of the Academic Program Review process.

Designated co-curricular programs include:

a) Units that operate outside of the academic colleges; and
b) conduct work with students that is evaluated through defined and measurable learning outcomes.

Each year, every assessment-ready academic degree program and designated co-curricular program will complete an assessment-based project.* Over a ten-year period corresponding to DePaul’s accreditation cycle with the Higher Learning Commission, these assessment projects will be characterized as follows:

  • All program learning outcomes must be assessed at least once during the 10- year cycle.
  • At least every other year, the project must be a Direct Assessment of Student Learning related to at least one of the program’s stated learning outcomes. Programs may assess multiple outcomes in a single year.
  • In every other year, assessment-ready academic degree programs may conduct an Alternate Assessment project.

*Please note: programs with specialized accreditations must still follow the requirements of their accrediting bodies.

Direct Assessment vs. Alternate Assessment Projects

Direct Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

In this type of project, programs assess at least one of their defined student learning outcomes using a direct assessment method. Programs can assess multiple learning outcomes in a single year. Within a 10-year cycle, each program should assess all of their program student learning outcomes. The basic steps for this type of project include:

  1. Reflecting on the results and recommendations of previous assessment project(s), and any actions taken in response.
  2. Identifying at least one program student learning outcome as the focus of assessment.
  3. Collecting evidence of students’ achievement of the selected learning outcome(s). Analyzing and interpreting data.
  4. Reporting the results of the assessment.
  5. Recommending actions the program will take based on the assessment results.

The specific process and timeline for assessment is defined by individual units - which may include the program, department, college, or division.

Alternate Assessment Project

The purpose of an alternate assessment project is EITHER a) to devote additional resources to follow-up on, implement changes based on, or determine the effects of a previous assessment project; OR b) to explore an important area related to student learning that may not be measurable by assessing student learning outcomes.

Potential alternate assessment projects* may include:

  • Follow-up on previous assessment of student learning outcome(s) project.
  • Extension of a previous assessment of student learning outcome(s) project.
  • Needs assessment.
  • Curriculum or course project.
  • Other

*Please note that this option may not be available for every program or in college or division: All alternate projects must be approved by the offering college or division; please contact your college or division to determine the process for having an alternate project approved.

A low-enrollment academic degree program is one that is:

a) in at least its second year of operation;
b) enrolls fewer than 10 majors;
c) is not currently in its first year of the Academic Program Review process.

Each year, every low-enrollment academic degree program, in consultation with the Center for Teaching and Learning Assessment Consultant, will conduct an assessment of learning for individual students completing the program.

  • Assessments should be consistent for students completing the program over a three-year period.
  • Every third year, the program will submit an assessment report focused on the collected data (analyzing the data, reporting results, making recommendations).
  • In years when assessment reports are not due, the program will submit a statement reporting their number of majors and confirming they meet the definition of a low-enrollment academic program.

Download the Full Policy on Program-Level Assessment of St​udent Learning (2024)