DePaul University Research Services > Award Management > Policies & Guidelines > Financial Administration of Grant Awards

Financial Administration of Grant Awards

ORS provides materials for PIs and support staff on the financial administration of grant awards in two formats: written guidelines and Web-based modules.  These materials cover the following topics:

Charging Administrative Costs to Federal Grant Awards

Defines “administrative costs,” provides examples of them, and explains how such costs are typically recovered by applying the university’s negotiated indirect cost rate. Goes on to describe situations in which administrative costs may appropriately be included in the “direct cost” portion of the project budget if soundly documented. See the written guidelines  & the BlueSky PI Training for Federal/Non-Federal Grants.

Charging Costs to Federal Grant Awards

Guidance on charging costs to federal grant awards is provided for Principal Investigators and others involved in the financial management of such awards. This includes the general standards for charging costs to federal awards, guidance on the allowability of particular costs, and guidelines on the treatment of unallowable costs. See the general standards, guidance on particular items, treatment of unallowable costs, and the BlueSky PI Training for Federal/Non-Federal Grants.

Charging Costs to Non-Federal Grant Awards

Provides guidance to PIs managing non-federal grant awards on what to charge (and not to charge) to their grant accounts. Provides five key questions to apply in decision making. Includes examples of questionable costs along with scenarios that provide practice in applying the five questions. See the BlueSky PI Training for Federal/Non-Federal Grants. 

Cost Sharing

Defines and provides examples of the main types of cost sharing. Provides guidance on when cost sharing is appropriate, the extent to which it should be offered, and what may be counted as cost sharing. Outlines the processes involved in securing approval for cost sharing in grant proposals and for managing grant awards that include a cost sharing component. Provides practice with differentiating “recommended” from “not recommended” practices involving cost sharing.  See the written guidelines &  the BlueSky PI Training for Federal/Non-Federal Grants.

Cost Transfers

Defines cost transfers, providing examples of them, and explains their role as a key indicator of how well DePaul is managing its grant funding. Identifies six criteria for use in determining whether a cost transfer request is appropriate or not. Provides several grant-related scenarios that provide practice in applying the six criteria. See the written guidelines & the BlueSky PI Training for Federal/Non-Federal Grants.

Disposition of Residual Balances

Provides guidelines and procedures for dealing with “residual balances.” Such balances consist of surplus funds which remain upon the completion of a sponsored project and which DePaul is not obligated to return to the sponsor. The described procedure enables Principal Investigators (PIs) to make use of a residual balance in ways that enhance their research, teaching, and/or service. See the written guidelines and the Residual Balance Transfer Request form.

Introduction to Financial Activity Reports

Explains how to locate, open, and interpret DePaul financial activity reports. These reports provide budget, revenue, and expense detail that is key to the effective financial management of grant awards. See the BlueSky PI Training for Federal/Non-Federal Grants.

Issuing and Monitoring Federal Subawards

Establishes procedures for the issuing and monitoring of federal subawards that are compliant with the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200.331). See the procedures and the supporting documents

Program Income

Establishes guidelines for identifying, managing and reporting on program income that are compliant with the federal requirements concerning such income in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200.307). See the written guidelines.

Time and Effort Certification

Defines “total university effort” as the key to understanding time and effort certifications. Explains the importance of the quarterly time and effort certification and outlines five things to consider when completing it. Steps the PI through the process of interpreting and completing and time and effort certification form. See the BlueSky PI Training for Federal/Non-Federal Grants and the ​  Cost_Sharing_Guidelines.pdf