Once you arrive in the U.S., you will be able to establish a checking account at a bank near your school or home.
To do this, you will need to bring the following documents with you to the bank:
- Original Valid Passport
- DePaul Student ID
You will get your DePaul student ID when you arrive on campus.
If your bank asks for a letter verifying your student status and your address, you may request it from ISS. Please log into the ISS Portal HERE and select Visa Status Verification Letters. You can request a letter from ISS once you have checked-in and confirmed your Chicago address.
If you need U.S. dollars immediately upon your arrival, please look for foreign currency exchanges located at International Terminals. You will probably arrive at Chicago O'Hare International Airport which has a foreign currency exchange in the International Terminal.
There are many banks to choose from in Chicago, and you may choose your preferrred bank. If you are uncertain which bank to choose, DePaul University has a relatioship with Wintrust Bank. You can review their services to see if they meet your banking needs.
Please do not bring large amounts of cash with you. It is unwise to carry large amounts of cash, so keep most of your money in traveler's checks (or other non-cash forms) until you open a bank account.
Purchase travel checks in U.S. dollars before you leave your country, to use while waiting to establish an account in Chicago. If you need to make a large purchase before establishing a checking account, you should pay with a money order so that you will get a receipt. These can be purchased from most banks or currency exchanges.