DePaul University Center for Teaching & Learning > Learning Experience Design

Learning Experience Design

​​​Need help thinking through a teaching or technology challenge? Don’t hesitate to reach out to your learning experience designer. We meet you where you are, whether you’re thinking big or small, general or specific, high-tech or low-tech. We’re here to help: email us or schedule a meeting any time. We support all course modalities including on-campus, online, flex, and hybrid. 

Find the learning experience designer assigned to your college or school.

Learning Experience Design Services for Instructors

Course Design and Development


When you are planning to teach a new course or convert a course into a new modality, your learning experience designer can help with: 

  • Project management
  • Developing learning outcomes and aligning them to course activities
  • Coaching and direct support on developing effective learning materials, activities, and assignments
  • Course site setup in D2L
  • A quality-assurance check of course materials

How to Get Started

Email your learning experience designer with the course number, the modality, and the term it will be offered. We recommend reaching out to us as early as possible in order to allow for an appropriate planning and development schedule, particularly if you want to incorporate high-production original media or game-based learning elements.


Your learning experience designer can help you redesign elements of your course to respond to student feedback and incorporate up-to-date instructional technology and teaching best practices.

How to Get Started

Schedule an appointment with your learning experience designer. Please include the full course code in the meeting notes and any specific issues you’d like to address.


After you review the Teaching Commons resources on Learning Outcomes and alignment, your learning experience designer can provide feedback on your learning outcomes and/or your course blueprint

How to Get Started

Email your learning experience designer with your draft learning outcomes and/or blueprint for feedback, or schedule a meeting for help with drafting. Expect feedback within one week.

Instructional Technology Innovation


Meet with your learning experience designer to find ways to make your course site easier to use for your students, utilize time-saving features, and take advantage of recent D2L system updates to increase efficiency.

How to Get Started

Schedule an appointment with your learning experience designer. Please include your full course code in the meeting notes.


Develop professional quality lecture recordings and other video content in our LPC or Loop studios. See the Academic Media Production page for details.

How to Get Started

Fill out the Academic Media Production Project Request Form.


Create video with our Academic Media Production (AMP) staff and studio facilities, using advanced techniques and tools such as the lightboard, green screen, and professional editing. See the Academic Media Production page for details.

How to Get Started

Fill out the Academic Media Production Project Request Form.


Develop custom illustrations, animations, and graphics to meet your teaching needs.

How to Get Started

Fill out the DIGI Consultation & Information Request Form.


Enhance your course with digital interactive course content, custom digital or analog games, or a gamified learning experience created by The DIGI Lab. See examples.

How to Get Started

Fill out the DIGI Consultation & Information Request Form.

Please note that development timelines may vary widely depending on the scope and complexity of the project, from a few days to several months. You are encouraged to reach out to the DIGI team as soon as possible, so they are able to work with you to establish a timeline.


Discuss strategies for managing your Flex classroom and engaging both in-class and remote students. We can arrange to meet in your classroom to walk through classroom features and how best to apply them to your class.

How to Get Started

If you would like a general consultation on Flex teaching strategy, schedule an appointment with your learning experience designer. If you would like to meet in your classroom, email your instructional designer with the class location and some possible times you are available.


Learn and apply strategies to address potential use and misuse of ChatGPT and other AI programs within your class and by your students, including:

  • Academic integrity strategies
  • Setting expectations and communicating them to your students

How to Get Started

Schedule an appointment with your learning experience designer.

Applying Teaching Best Practices


  • We can provide feedback on
  • Layout and scannability
  • Clarity of language
  • Assignment scaffolding and low-stakes assessment opportunities
  • Course-policy best practices for inclusivity

How to Get Started

Email your learning experience designer with your draft syllabus. Include what kind of feedback you’re looking for, or if you’re open to any feedback. Expect feedback within about one week.


Discuss and apply strategies to enhance student engagement and participation from all students either in the classroom or online. This can include active learning strategies, presentation design, and supporting diverse learners through UDL (universal design for learning) principles.

How to Get Started

Schedule an appointment with your learning experience designer.


We can observe your class and offer feedback on structuring class sessions, active learning strategies, and student engagement. Class observations and feedback are entirely confidential.

How to Get Started

Email your learning experience designer with your class name, number, modality, and schedule. Also include what kind of feedback you’re looking for.


Design and implement student feedback surveys to help you make adjustments mid quarter or for future classes. Results are entirely confidential.

How to Get Started

Schedule an appointment with your learning experience designer. Include any specifics on the kind of feedback you’d like to collect or challenges you’d like to address.

Instructional Media Design

There are two teams that support faculty and academic units to create sophisticated multimedia productions, learning games, and simulations:

Academic Media Production (AMP)

Academic Media Production (AMP) works with faculty and select staff units to create visually engaging and pedagogically stimulating lecture content.

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DePaul Instructional Game and Innovation Lab (DIGI)

The DePaul Instructional Game & Innovation (DIGI) Lab works with faculty and university partners to co-design games and simulations for learning.

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