OneDePaul > Student Resources > Frequently Asked Questions > Verifications


Current Students

A verification is a request for a university to verify a student's degree and enrollment information. Unlike a transcript, a verification is simply a confirmation of degrees earned and does not include course grades.

Verifications ordered in Campus Connect are free of charge to students.

Any third party (e.g., loan offices, employers, insurance companies) can request a verification on your behalf. Requests go through the National Student Clearinghouse. The third parties will need your personal information such as name, Social Security number (or student ID for International Students) and date of birth in order to complete a request.

DePaul University provides the name and confirms demographic information given on requests. For graduates, degree type, program and honors are reported. For non-graduates, only dates of attendance are reported.

If you have a FERPA block in place, the information is still reported, but information protected under FERPA is withheld from the third parties by the NSC.

If a third party requires more detailed academic information, the student will need to request a transcript. For further questions, please contact OneDePaul at

Occasionally, verifications cannot be completed for the following reasons:
  • Not enough information was provided for a positive identification
  • Conflicting Information (e.g., former name)
  • Specialized Certificate Program
In the event of an incomplete verification, the third party may choose to include additional information in another request.
Yes, most third parties will accept an Enrollment Verification directly from the student, which can be generated through Campus Connect in the Student Center within the academics section. There are two versions you can select from:
  • Degree/GPA/Enroll Verification: This type of verification allows you the option to include all degrees earned at DePaul University, term GPA as well as career GPA at DePaul and a history of enrollment at DePaul(including anticipated graduation date).
  • Enrollment Verification: This type of verification includes a history of your enrollment at DePaul (including anticipated graduation date) as well as information sent to lenders.

DePaul University requires 30 days past the last date of enrollment to finalize processing of degrees for that term. We are therefore unable to verify requests made during this timeframe. To check whether your degree can be verified, please refer to your unofficial transcript. If the degree is posted, it can be verified.

Alumni/Former Students

A verification is a request for a university to verify a student's degree and enrollment information. Unlike a transcript, a verification is simply a confirmation of degrees earned and attendance.

Verifications ordered in Campus Connect are free of charge.

Any third party (e.g., loan offices, employers, insurance companies) can request a verification on your behalf. Requests go through the National Student Clearinghouse. The third parties will need your personal information such as name, Social Security number and date of birth in order to complete a request.

DePaul University provides the name while attending and confirms demographic information given on requests. For graduates, degree type, program and honors are reported. For non-graduates, only dates of attendance are reported.

If you have a FERPA block in place, the information is still reported, but information protected under FERPA is withheld from the third parties by the NSC.

If a third party requires more detailed academic information, the student will need to request a transcript. For further questions, please contact OneDePaul at

Occasionally, verifications cannot be completed for the following reasons:
  • Not enough information was provided for a positive identification
  • Conflicting Information (e.g., former name)
  • Specialized Certificate Program
In the event of an incomplete verification, the third party may choose to include additional information in another request.
No. An official verification can only be requested through the National Student Clearinghouse. However, many third parties will accept an unofficial Enrollment Verification Request, which a student can generate through Campus Connect under the "For Students" tab. This form shows a student's enrollment status for each term in attendance, declared program and degrees earned.