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DePaul Students Connect with Area Start-Ups at Winter Internship Fair

Recruiters interact with DePaul students at Start-Up Alley during the Winter Internship Fair.

An innovative spirit is a key part of DePaul’s success, and that same spirit can be found in entrepreneurial start-up companies across the Chicagoland area.  Start-Up Alley, a new feature at the Career Center’s annual Winter Internship Fair on Feb. 13, gave DePaul students the opportunity to network and interview with Chicago start-ups looking for highly qualified interns.
EMM’s Career Center holds quarterly job and internship fairs throughout the year for DePaul students seeking employment opportunities. The winter fair is notable in that it focuses solely on internships. This year, the Career Center partnered with the Coleman Entrepreneurship Center, an academic program out of the Driehaus College of Business, to bring local start-ups to the fair.
Start-Up Alley proved to be mutually beneficial for both job seekers and start-ups. Students were given the opportunity to make key connections and learn more about start-up culture while the start-ups, some represented by DePaul alumni, said the fair provided a unique opportunity to gain exposure as new entrepreneurial ventures.
A total of 74 employers, including 14 start-ups, and 681 students attended. Area entrepreneurs who participated in the fair included TechNexus, Fortes Consulting, StarchUp and Red Cannonball Digital Marketing.
While official student outcomes are yet to be available, a majority of employers reported they planned to contact DePaul students as interview candidates for internships.
For more information about the fair or Start-Up Alley, contact Amal Saleh, job fair and events manager in the Career Center.