Clifton 24-Hour Garage Regulations
RESIDENT HOMEOWNER ELIGIBILITY: Residential boundaries for the Clifton 24-Hour Area Resident permit are
- Altgeld on the north
- Armitage on the south
- Halsted on the east
- Wayne on the west
Homeowners must reside at the property address within the boundaries of the program. Proof of residency is required for the online registration. To demonstrate residency, you are required to upload two IDs with your current address (e.g., driver's license, State of Illinois ID, etc.) or one ID and one proof of residency, such as a current utility bill with your name and address. Limit one per household. The university reserves the right to change, at any time, the conditions set forth in this document.
PURCHASING TERMS: The rate for the 2023/24 academic year is
$465. NO REFUNDS will be issued for this permit.
All area residents purchasing a Clifton 24-Hour permit are allowed to park 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in the Clifton Parking Garage ONLY. Homeowners purchasing this parking permit will be issued a special access
card . Parking in the Clifton Garage will be first-come, first-serve on a daily basis. Motorcycles are not permitted in the parking garage. Your vehicle must be moved out of the garage once a week to prevent it from being towed; the facility is not to be used for storage.
DePaul University reserves the right to modify future
operating times.
DRIVER RESPONSIBILITY: Automobiles must be operated and parked in a manner that assures the safety of other vehicles and pedestrians in the deck. Parking is permitted in marked stalls only. Responsibility for finding legal parking stalls rests with the vehicle operator. Lack of parking spaces, mechanical problems, inclement weather or other issues do not justify parking violations.
TAGLESS PERMIT SYSTEM: We do not issue physical “hang tags” for homeowners. Your license plate will serve as your
campus parking permit. You must have your access card to swipe in and out of the garage. Please make sure your vehicle is registered with the correct
information prior to parking on campus. It is the vehicle owner’s responsibility to purchase a permit in accordance with the university parking
regulations. The issued permit is valid from September 1 through August 31. Homeowners who received an access card last year should bring it with them to renew the card.
REQUIREMENTS: Area resident homeowners must register any motor vehicle to be parked in the Clifton garage or surface lots. An area resident may purchase only one parking permit type. Any changes to registered vehicles, including plate number changes or any other vehicle
information, must be reported to Parking Services in order for a permit to be valid.
ENFORCEMENT: General enforcement will be in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round. The Public Safety and Parking Services Offices are
authorized to remove, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle without a valid permit. The Public Safety and Parking Services Offices are authorized to remove
from university property, without warning:
- An abandoned vehicle
- A vehicle parked in a fire lane
or blocking a drive
- Any vehicle a reported lost or stolen.
- Any vehicle parked in university lots without a valid parking permit will be towed
immediately at the owner's expense.
The facilities and surface lots are not to be used for storage.
LOT CLOSURE: The Clifton Garage is closed for DePaul’s winter break each year. Clifton-only permit holders will be allowed to park in DePaul surface lots during the winter closure. At other times during the year, a special event may dictate the closure of a certain parking lot. In this case, a sign will be prominently posted no less than 24 hours in advance of the event. Every effort will be made to contact permit holders prior to the event to avoid towed relocation of the vehicle. During the summer months, any and all lots are subject to closure depending on the needs of the university.
REMOVAL: After or during snowfall of 2” or more, all surface lots are closed for snow removal from 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. All
vehicles must be removed from all lots. All vehicles parked on the top levels of the garages must be removed to clear snow.
Neighborhood Parking Regulations
RESIDENT HOMEOWNER ELIGIBILITY: Homeowners must reside at the property address within the boundaries of the program:
- Altgeld on the north
- Armitage on the south
- Halsted on the east
- Wayne on the west
Proof of residency is required at the time of permit purchase. To demonstrate residency, you are required to present two IDs with your current address (e.g., driver's license, State of Illinois ID, etc.) or one ID and one proof of residency, such as a current utility bill with your name and address. Limit one per household. The university reserves the right to change, at any time, the conditions set forth in this document.
PARKING AVAILABLE FOR RESIDENT HOMEOWNERS: Area resident homeowners can only park in student surface lots and Clifton Parking Garage, at the hours designated. The following student surface lots are available:
- Lot L between Fullerton and Montana on Sheffield
- Lot P located on the north side of Fullerton east of the "L" tracks.
PERMIT HOURS: Area resident homeowners are allowed to park using the vehicle registered with their "Area Resident" parking permit in any student surface lots from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day and night on Saturday and Sunday. They can also park, with the permit displayed and a valid access card, in the Clifton Parking Garage only, from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day and night on Saturday and Sunday. All vehicles must be removed from the surface lots and garage by 8 a.m. Monday through Friday or they are subject to immediate tow at the owner’s expense. Vehicles exiting outside the aforementioned hours, but before being towed, will be charged a $20 fee.
REQUIREMENTS: Area resident homeowners must register any motor vehicle to be parked in the Clifton Parking Garage or surface lots. Any changes to registered vehicles, including plate number changes or any other vehicle information, must be reported to Parking Services in order for a permit to be valid.
TAGLESS PERMIT SYSTEM: We will no longer be issuing physical “hang tags” for homeowners. Your license plate will serve as your
campus parking permit. You must have your access card to swipe in and out of the garage. Please make sure your vehicle is registered with the correct
information prior to parking on campus. It is the vehicle owner’s responsibility to purchase a permit in accordance with university parking
regulations. The issued permit is valid from September 1 through August 31.
DRIVER RESPONSIBILITY: Automobiles must be operated and parked in a manner that assures the safety of other vehicles and pedestrians on the lot. Parking is permitted in marked stalls only. Responsibility for finding legal parking stalls rests with the vehicle operator. Lack of parking spaces, mechanical problems, inclement weather or other issues do not justify parking violations.
ENFORCEMENT: General enforcement will be in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round. The Public Safety and Parking Services Offices are
authorized to remove, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle without a valid permit. The Public Safety and Parking Services Offices are authorized to remove
from the university property, without warning:
- an abandoned vehicle
- a vehicle parked in a fire lane
or blocking a drive
- any vehicle reported lost or stolen.
- Any vehicle parked in university lots without a valid parking permit will be towed
immediately at owner's expense.
LOT CLOSURE: From time to time, a special event may dictate the closure of a certain parking lot. In this case, a sign will be prominently posted no less than 24 hours in advance of the event. Every effort will be made to contact permit holders prior to the event to avoid towed relocation of the vehicle. During the summer months, any and all lots are subject to closure depending on the needs of the university.
SNOW REMOVAL: After or during snowfall of 2” or more, all surface lots are closed for snow removal from 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. All vehicles must be removed from all lots. Also, all the vehicles parked on the top levels of the garages must be removed to clear snow.
General Regulations
VEHICLE ACCIDENT: Vehicle accidents occurring on university property must be immediately reported to the Public Safety Office.
LOST OR STOLEN ACCESS CARD: The theft or loss of an access card should be reported to the Parking Services Office promptly after discovery. The cost to replace a lost or stolen access card is $15. Recovered lost or stolen cards should be returned to the Parking Services Office immediately.
REVOCATION: The parking permits and their privileges remain the property of the university. A person who obtains a parking permit and is in violation of university parking regulations or incurs multiple parking violations during the academic year, may have their parking permit and/or access card revoked by University Parking Services.
LIABILITY: No liability is created by the granter of parking or vehicle operating privileges on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by DePaul University. The university assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of vehicles or its contents while operated or parked on university property.