Office of the Secretary > Archived > Presidential Search - 2021 > Search Timeline

Presidential Search Timeline

​This time​line represents the working timeline for the presidential search. The schedule will be updated as the search committee begins its work and more details become avaialble.

Summer 2021 Preliminary preparations by search firm and Board of Trustee leadership.
August 23, 2021 Faculty and staff councils and SGA nominate their representatives.
September 2021 Solicit feedback for desired qualities in the next president. Results reported to the search committee.
September 2021 First search committee meeting to organize work for the coming months.
September 2021 Open listening sessions to discuss presidential search.
November 2021
Search Committee reviews full pool of candidates and selectes candidates to interview.
December 2021
Search committee interviews candidates and selects finalists.
January 2022 Final candidate interviews.
Late January 2022 Search committee submits feedback on strengths and challenges of each finalist to the Board of Trustees.
February 2022 Board of Trustees meets.
Late February-Early March 2022 Name of DePaul University’s 13th president announced.