Office of the Secretary > Archived > Presidential Search - 2021 > Search Announcement

Search Announcement - July 27, 2021

Dear Memb​ers of the DePaul Community,

On June 14th, President A. Gabriel Esteban announced his decision to step down at the end of the 2021-22 academic year. When Dr. Esteban shared his intention with the Board of Trustees earlier this spring, we appreciated his careful consideration of the leadership transition and his wish to minimize disruption to the university. We look forward to celebrating Dr. Esteban's many accomplishments at DePaul over the course of the next year.

As we turn our attention to the search for DePaul's next president, Judy Greffin, vice-chair for DePaul's Board of Trustees, will chair the search committee. We are grateful to Judy for her willingness to lead this incredibly important effort to identify the next president for DePaul. The search process is currently in the early stages, and we expect it to begin in earnest this fall. The Board of Trustees will share regular updates with the university community on this website as the process develops and new information becomes available.

Similar to the previous presidential search, we will employ a broadly inclusive process. The search committee will include representation of the university community: trustees, faculty, staff and students. Faculty Council, Staff Council and the Student Government Association will be asked to propose candidates for the search committee. We will share the full search committee member list once finalized. Additionally, all finalists will meet with vetting committees comprised of representatives selected by each of the Faculty Council, Staff Council and the Student Government Association.

In order to find the best individual possible to serve as DePaul's 13th president, we have retained Isaacson Miller to assist with the national search. We also will invite members of the DePaul community to submit candidate names for consideration. While representatives from Issacson Miller will conduct listening sessions across the DePaul community in September, we will also invite all members of the DePaul community to offer their feedback on the qualities desired in the next president via this website.

As a member of the DePaul community, your participation in the presidential search process is vital to the future success of the university. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we appreciate all you do for DePaul University in support of its Catholic, Vincentian and urban mission to serve the public good.


Gerald A. Beeson, BUS '94

Chair, Board of Trustees