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New Book by Horace Hall, Vincent de Paul Professor of Education

​​​​​​Always on Lockdown, looks at the negative impact police in schools has had on students. There is now national attention on police brutality and defunding police departments. The book describes the schoolhouse to jailhouse pipeline. The suspension and expulsion rate is unacceptable. 

 "Always on Lockdown cuts through the academic discourse on the subject of policing in schools and brings us up-close to the situation of schooling in the age of security and the school-to-prison pipeline. Readers get the views of people who live the experience: students, principals, parents, teachers, and others who have overseen the changes in their city and schools. There are reflections, questions and resources that make this book an excellent text for teaching."

Ronnie Casella, Associate Dean, School of Education, State University of New York at Cortland and author of At Zero Tolerance: Punishment, Prevention, and School Violence,and “Being Down": Challenging Violence in Urban Schools.

"In Always on Lockdown, Dr. Horace Hall gives literal voice to the people—students, parents, principals, counselors and school cops—swept up in the convulsive reform known as Renaissance 2010, which shuttered dozens of schools and forced thousands of children and youths into new environments, across neighborhood lines with often chaotic, unsafe results. With school safety and security a foremost concern, these voices describe how schools frequently mirror violence in the city outside their doors and treat students more as potential problems to be managed than as individuals deserving of care and an excellent education in a safe haven."

Annette Fuentes, award winning journalist who writes for The New York Times, The Nation, The Progressive and The Village Voice. She is also the author of Lockdown High: When the Schoolhouse Becomes a Jailhouse.