The Society of Vincent de Paul Professors typically invites applications for new members on an annual basis.
Mission of the Society
The Society's goals are promoting the ideal of the teacher-scholar and enhancing the educational mission of the University in ways that are consistent with its distinctive values. The goals of the Society are promoted through initiatives proposed by society members. Members of the Society promotes the teacher-scholar model by:
- Teaching courses in the disciplines, in professional programs, and in the Liberal Studies Program to demonstrate the synergistic relationship between exceptional teaching and one’s own scholarship;
- Serving as ambassadors within and outside the University to highlight DePaul’s role as an institution where teaching and scholarship inform and reinforce one another;
- Contributing to University processes of faculty development and mentoring;
- Engaging students in scholarly and creative work beyond the classroom;
- Demonstrating exceptional scholarship.
Rights and Privileges of Membership in the Society
Society members are granted the title "Vincent de Paul Professor" have access to discretionary funds to support their professional development and co-curricular experiences for students, and enjoy various ceremonial privileges. The Society's membership reflects the diverse fields of study at the university.
Current activities include:
- Mentoring faculty
Promoting social justice projects in Chicago and the world, including the annual Social Justice Teach-In
Fostering cross-disciplinary scholarship and creative activities, including scholarship on teaching and learning.
Additional activities are developed over time and reflect the interests of the members as well as the overall goals of the Society.
Apply for Membership