University Branding & Marketing > Services > Website Support

Website Support

​Digital Experience and Analysis (DXA) oversees the content, design, branding, information architecture, development and user experience of, as well as all of the colleges, schools, offices and other entities with a web presence at DePaul.

Submit a Request

How it works

DXA offers support to the university community for maintaining Tell us what you’re looking to accomplish, and we’ll work with you to find a solution that meets your needs.

A few examples of what we can help with:

  • Updating content to existing body copy on a page.
  • Reordering left or top navigation items, creating new subsites.
  • Troubleshooting issues or error message while editing in Sharepoint.
  • Basic web traffic analytic reports and insights for a certain set of pages and timeframe.
  • Content and UX strategy guidance.

Please complete the project intake form to request assistance. After submitting the form, your request will be put in queue in order of receipt, unless a time sensitivity is indicated.

Within 1-2 weeks of submission, DXA staff will confirm receipt of the request, review the details and determine appropriate next steps. Next steps usually include:

  • Scheduling a consultation/follow-up call
  • Gathering additional information
  • Confirming implementation of minor changes

Completion timeline is subject to change depending on the complexity of the request and the capacity of the DXA team.

In your submission, please indicate the date you need your request completed in the Time Sensitivity Details section. If your deadline within 10 business days of submission, then we will ask you for context so we can prioritize accordingly.

Sharepoint Resources

Our Sharepoint Resources site offers step-by-step instructions for many basic Sharepoint functions.

Visit Sharepoint Resources