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Member Details

Amber Settle

Amber Settle has been a faculty member at DePaul University since 1996. She is a Professor in the School of Computing in the College of Computing and Digital Media. She earned a B.S. in mathematics and a B.A. in German from the University of Arizona, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in theoretical computer science from the University of Chicago. Dr. Settle's work in computing education includes more than 50 papers on online education, innovative approaches to teaching programming and other technical courses, ways to attract and retain underrepresented students in computing, and computational thinking. Her other research interests include distributed algorithms, cellular automata, and applications of reasoning about knowledge to distributed systems. She was the recipient of a Best Paper Award at the Information Systems Education Conference in 2002 and a Distinguished Paper Award at the Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education (SIGITE) Conference in 2011. She received the Spirit of Inquiry award for her work in computational thinking in 2015. As a university-level instructor since 1993, Dr. Settle has taught courses in algorithms, discrete structures for computer science, automata theory, programming, data structures, web development, game design, and e-commerce technology. She taught a Discover Chicago class on the digital divide for many years. She was awarded a Quality of Instruction Council Excellence in Teaching Award in 2003. Dr. Settle has served on the Advisory Board for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) since 2010 and is the SIGCSE immediate past chair. She has also served on the program and/or conference committees for the 2016 International Conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology, SIGITE/RIIT 2013, 2014, and 2015, and the 2013 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE). She currently serves on the ITiCSE Steering Committee. She has been a Distinguished Member of the ACM since 2019. More information about Dr. Settle's research, teaching, and service can be found on her home page. More information about SIGCSE can be found on its page: here.

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