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Member Details

Wendy Netter Epstein

Wendy Netter Epstein’s teaching and research focuses on the areas of health care law and policy and contract law, with an emphasis on the financing and delivery of health care, the creative application of behavioral economic principles to entrenched problems, and matters of health equity. Her scholarship draws on her personal experience representing health industry clients as a partner at a large law firm. In addition to her scholarly writing, she is a Public Voices Fellow of the OpEd project and a frequent contributor to media, blogs, and op-eds, recently having published in the L.A. Times, Stat News, The Hill, the Chicago Tribune, the Conversation, and U.S. News. Professor Epstein is also the Health Law Section Editor for JOTWELL. Professor Epstein received her BA from the University of Illinois, and her JD from Harvard Law School. Prior to coming to DePaul, she clerked for the Hon. Michael Daly Hawkins, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, and was a partner in commercial litigation at Kirkland & Ellis LLP. Professor Epstein has received both the Faculty Scholarship and Faculty Teaching Awards.

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