The Office for Academic Advising Support (OAAS) provides holistic advising and major exploration services to undeclared and exploratory students, in addition to offering advising to newly admitted transfer students as they transition to DePaul. OAAS empowers students to make academic choices that incorporate their individual interests, values and skills. Additionally, OAAS provides advising support services to the DePaul community and fosters university-wide collaborations with faculty and staff to enhance advising experiences for DePaul students.
OAAS will meet with any undergraduate student who is undeclared or thinking about changing or adding a major or minor. You can schedule an appointment two ways:
OneDePaul: If you are undeclared in LAS, CSH, or CMN, you have an assigned OAAS advisor and can schedule an appointment directly to your advisor's calendar using OneDePaul in Campus Connect. You can find instructions
If you are declared in any undergraduate program but considering a change in major or minor, you can schedule an appointment directly to an OAAS advisor's calendar in OneDePaul by clicking Schedule an Appointment-->Assigned and then scrolling down to “OAAS: Major Exploration Advising" team and selecting “Anyone on this team.”
Telephone: Between the hours of 9am-5pm on Mon-Fri, you may call us at 773/325-7431 to schedule an appointment.
If you’ve worked with an OAAS advisor before, feel free to schedule with that advisor directly. You can also find advisor email addresses on the
Staff page.
What OAAS Does
The Office for Academic Advising Support (OAAS) empowers students to make academic choices that incorporate their individual interests, values and skills. We provide holistic advising and major exploration services to undeclared and exploratory students, and we advise newly admitted transfer students as they transition to DePaul. Additionally, OAAS provides advising support services to the DePaul community and fosters university-wide collaborations with faculty and staff to enhance advising experiences for DePaul students.
Schedule an Appointment
OAAS advisors are available throughout the week to meet with you. Find out how to schedule an appointment here!
Schedule Appointment
Exploring and Declaring Majors
It's normal to be uncertain about your major. OAAS can help you strategically explore options that are a good fit for you.
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New Student Resources
The For New Students page contains helpful resources for learning about next steps after orientation and a glossary to help you understand new terminology you'll encounter at DePaul.
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