Division of Student Affairs > About > Assessment > Annual Assessment

Annual Assessment in Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs designs and implements an annual assessment project to advance strategic goals, address timely priorities and ensure constant improvement in the best interests of our students. The division assesses each of our pre-determined learning outcomes at least once during every ten-year assessment mega-cycle as decided by the University Assessment Advisory Board. This practice ensures divisional compliance with accreditation expectations to conduct "ongoing assessment of student learning" of co-curricular programs and services (Higher Learning Commission, 2019).

In addition to the annual divisional assessment project, individual departments regularly complete program evaluation projects and an overall department review. Program evaluation and department review projects occur at least once within every ten-year assessment mega cycle. These projects ensure all departments within the division conduct evaluations of operations and processes, longitudinal success factor metrics and data collected from recent learning, needs and benchmarking assessment projects.

The goal of the Student Affairs assessment cycle is to understand how to enhance student learning and success through strategic and systematic review of programs and services provided by the division. Assessment helps Student Affairs align their work with the academic mission of the institution and become active partners in intentionally advancing student learning and supporting student progress and success. ​​​