International Admission > Resources > Coming to the U.S. > Culture and Living in the U.S.

Culture and Living in the U.S.

This is a period of transition for you. While you might be nervous or sad to leave your friends and family, you might also be feeling excited about all the many new things you are about to learn. As you arrive and begin your studies in the U.S., you may also experience "culture shock."

What is "Culture Shock?"

Living in a new culture always means that one must learn a new set of cultural patterns and behaviors. This learning process can sometimes be challenging and everyone experiences "culture shock" to various degrees. However, remember that experiencing culture shock is completely normal and that you are not alone. Listen to other DePaul international students talk about their own experiences with culture shock.

Are there ways to minimize "Culture Shock?"

Yes! As part of your adjustment to a new culture and new surroundings, it is important for you to be connected with others. You can do this in several ways, including:

1. Make friends with other students.

  • Join the ISEE Peer Mentor Program! ISEE pairs current DePaul students with new incoming international students to help students adjust to life in the U.S.
  • Join a Student Organization! DePaul University has over 300 student clubs and organizations.
  • Attend a Bon Appetit Lunch, a monthly social outing to various Chicago restaurants to enjoy cuisines from around the world.
  • Attend the Global Coffee Hour, a program that orients first-year undergraduate and graduate international students to student life at DePaul and in Chicago.

2. Live healthy!

3. Attend Global DePaul Events.

You can read more about upcoming events here.

4. Stay Connected.

Stay connected with family and friends through email, Skype, Facebook, etc.

Contact Us

If you would like to talk to an advisor regarding your adjustment to living and studying in the United States, please call (312) 362-8376.