Global Engagement > Partnerships > Degree Programs Abroad

Degree Programs Abroad

As part of the university's overall strategy for comprehensive internationalization, DePaul University offers some of its degree programs to international audiences on location. Typically these offerings are brought to fruition in collaboration with a local partner who provides logistical and administrative support, while DePaul provides the academic programs and the faculty who teach them. 

Students who successfully complete these programs are awarded a DePaul University degree, with all its privileges and responsibilities. These programs provide access to quality education in diverse markets and offer a superb opportunity for the internationalization of our faculty.

Since 2000, in collaboration with the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance, the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul has been offering the following degrees:

  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Science in Human Resources
  • Master of Science in Finance

In collaboration with Tangaza University College, Lang’ata Nairobi, Kenya, the School for New Learning at DePaul offers a Bachelor of Arts program aimed at serving individuals who are assuming leadership positions within their respective religious communities and/or social services organizations across Africa. This program will transition in the near future to become fully administered and taught by Tangaza.

DePaul students can take advantage of several opportunities to earn a joint or dual degree with partner institutions around the world. These programs provide invaluable experiences to acquire precious skills and dispositions that will give our graduates a competitive advantage at the start of their careers.

"During an international teaching experience you have the opportunity to truly embrace and experience a new culture for an extended time period. Teaching in the international arena has provided me with a variety of personal experiences which I have been able to incorporate back into my classroom in Chicago." - Professor Lori Cook

"Leaders today – whether corporate or academic leaders – need to have an understanding of the global environment and the variables that manipulate it. How does one inspire a global workforce, promote cooperation across cultural boundaries, ignite high team performance regardless of geography? I’m an organizational behaviorist and teaching internationally, such as in Bahrain, has allowed me to explore such questions, putting to test current managerial theories and learning whether having a global perspective may change the practical advice given in the classroom. Hence, teaching abroad has certainly changed my own behavior as a professor, I believe for the better." - Professor Charles Naquin