Compliance & Risk Management > Requirements > Quality Assurance Review

Quality Assurance Review

​​Compliance and Risk Management has developed a Quality Assurance Review (QAR) program that evaluates the performance of the university's budget managers against DePaul's management standards. Every department within the university will participate in a QAR.

Each QAR is conducted by a Compliance & Risk Analyst. The reviewer uses the opportunity to coach budget managers on how to effectively manage a department's business processes.

A department will be notified several weeks before a reviewer will conduct a QAR. The budget manager will then receive a list of items to have available. The reviewer will go over the items and seek input and supporting evidence from the budget manager.

If a department is having difficulty meeting the management standards, Compliance and Risk Management will work with the budget manager to address any gaps in standards or performance. A follow-up review will be conducted shortly after. Results of this process will be reported to the Audit Committee of the university's Board of Trustees.

The Compliance department also offers a management standards consultation, referred to as QAR 101. This 90-minute meeting provides one-on-one guidance on how to appropriately and efficiently conduct business as a DePaul budget manager. This service is ideal for newly formed departments or for anyone interested in gaining more expertise with university policy or management standards. ​

QAR Preparation Checklist